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Volvo China Coast Regatta Day 1 - "Awesome"

Fantastic day for Red Rum (left)

Volvo China Coast Regatta Day 1 RHKYC / Guy Nowell

[endif]--After kicking off the 2017 Volvo China Coast Regatta with a welcome party at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club’s main clubhouse on Kellett Island last night, racers this morning descended on the Club’s Middle Island Clubhouse this morning before making their way to the race course which was located south east of Lamma Island. Racing started in a northerly breeze of 8 to10kts that dropped throughout the day. Two windward/leewards and an island course were held for IRC Racer 0, 1, 2, 3 with the IRC Premier only joining the windward/leewards.

[endif]--「 Volvo 中國海岸帆船賽2017」的揭幕酒會昨晚於香港遊艇會吉列島會所舉行,比賽今天在中途島會所展開,海面吹8-10節北風,風勢期後減弱。IRC 競賽0,1,2,3組分別進行了一場順風/逆風賽和環島賽,而IRC巡航船組只進行了一場順風/逆風賽。 ![endif]--

After three races and two bullets in their first races of the day, 2016 Volvo China Coast Regatta IRC Racer 0 winner Ker 46 Zannekin was ahead of the fleet. Zannekin was followed by and Shawn Kang’s Lighthorse Ker 46+ Alpha Plus and Philippines entry Ernesto Echauz’s TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial.

經過三場比賽後,暫由「Volvo 中國海岸帆船賽週2016」IRC 競賽0組冠軍得主Ker 46 Zannekin號 領先,緊隨期後有Shawn Kang的Lighthorse Ker 46+ Alpha Plus和菲律賓選手Ernesto Echauz的TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial 號。

There were a few individual recalls throughout the day, but the upset of the day was the second IRC Racer 0 start where an individual recall was called, Sam Chan’s TP52 FreeFire was the first to turn however Frank Pong’s RP76 Jelik and Wang Bin’s Cookson 50 UBOX did not turn back until the radio call; giving them a considerable disadvantage as they chased the fleet up the course.

今天分別出現數個個別召回報告,令人為憾的是發生於第二場IRC 競賽0組的比賽中,當發出個別召回後,陳永燊的TP52 FreeFire號最快回到起點,然而龐輝的RP76 Jelik及王濱的Cookson 50 Ubox均沒有回來,直到他們收到大會發出的無線電通知,才得以回到正確的賽道上,趕上其他賽船。

Fred Kinmonth and Nick Burns Sydney GTS 43 Otonomos Mandrake sailed their way to two wins in the first races of the day and finishing only 23 seconds behind Tiffany Koo’s King Mills 40, Hero Racing team on the islands race putting Otonomos Mandrake in first place going into Day 2 followed by Hero Racing team and Joachim Isler’s and Drew Taylor’s Mills 41 Ambush in third.

Fred Kinmonth 和 Nick Burns Sydney 的GTS 43 Otonomos Mandrake號成功在第一場比賽中勝出,緊以23秒落後Tiffany Koo的King Mills 40。Otonomos Mandrake在明天的比賽將會以首名出發,緊隨有英雄互娛帆船隊及Joachim Isler和Drew Taylor的Mills 41 Ambush號。

In the IRC Racer 2 fleet Steve Manning’s and Paul O’Malley’s newly acquired A40 Red Rum took three bullets making it cracking first day of racing on board their new boat. Manning said “First time on the water, first time with the sails up and first races. The three bullets are great; perhaps its beginners’ luck but we're all very happy. There will probably be a bit more breeze on the water tomorrow, so that will take bit more crew work and more coordination which we are obviously working on for the first time.”

在IRC 競賽2組中,Steve Manning 和 Paul O’Malley以新購入的A40 Red Rum應戰並取得好成積,賽後他們說到:「我們感到十分興奮!明天風力將會有機會增強,我們的隊員可藉此機會熟習一下在不同的環境下作賽。」

Nick Southward’s J-109 Whisky Jack also came away with 3 bullets giving them a first in the IRC Racer 3 fleet, followed by Simon Powell’s A40RC Sell Side Dream in second and Gordon Liu’s Sydney 38 Kingsman in third.

Nick Southward的J-109 Whisky Jack號亦在IRC 競賽3組中全取3分,隨後有Simon Powell的A40RC Sell Side Dream及第三名Gordon Liu的Sydney 38 Kingsman。

In the IRC Premier fleet race management very kindly AP’d the start and set IRC Racer 2 and 3 off first allowing Peter Churchouse’s Warwick Custom Moonblue 2 who were experiencing mainsail issues make it to the start. In the end Moonblue 2 was able to win both their races ahead of Alex Yu’s Bavaria 55 Clove Hitch in second. Churchouse commented “We had a great day out on the water, awesome sailing, a perfect Friday 13th. A very special thanks to the race management team."

IRC巡航船組方面,因Peter Churchouse的Warwick Custom Moonblue 2 號的主帆出現問題,所以賽事委員會發出AP 訊號,讓IRC 競賽2及3組先開賽。最後Moonblue 2 號勝出比賽,領先排名第二Alex Yu的Bavaria 55 Clove Hitch。Churchouse稱:「我們特別想要多謝賽事委員會的諒解,全體隊員十分享受今天的比賽過程。」

With Tropical Storm Khanun approaching Hong Kong and some predictions for a typhoon 3 being hoisted on Sunday it will be interesting to see how racing plays out for Day 2 of the Volvo China Coast Regatta. ![endif]--



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