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Notice of Race Released and Online Entry Open! 現已接受網上報名並已發出賽事公告

Hong Kong to Hainan Race 2018


Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club has released the Notice of Race and opened online entry for the 2018 Hong Kong to Hainan Race which will start on 18 October. 香港遊艇會已就2018年香港至海南帆船賽發出賽事公告及接受網上報名,比賽日期為10月18日。

The Race takes competitors on a 390nm historically downwind passage to Sanya, on the southern China island of Hainan. Sanya, known as the “Hawaii of the East” is a great finish location for a holiday or as a transit point for yachts intending to continue on to other sailing events around the Asia-Pacific region. The event has been sanctioned as a recognised qualifier for the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2018. 比賽全程390海里,參賽船隊由香港出發,順風航行至中國南端的海南島三亞帆船港為終點;被譽為「東方夏威夷」的三亞,是一個絕佳的渡假勝地,同時亦是帆船的中轉站;船主可在此決定是否繼續前往亞太海域參與其他帆船比賽」。是次比賽已被認可為2018年勞力士悉尼至霍巴特帆船大賽的預選賽。

2018 will mark the 11th edition of the race which was established in 1997. The Hong Kong to Hainan Race is the only Category 1 offshore race to finish in the People's Republic of China. The event has fostered the growth of sailing between China and Hong Kong SAR. The inaugural event was run on 27 December 1997; having been incorporated as a part of the handover celebrations for the return of Hong Kong to China. Similarly the start from Macau in 1999 formed part of the Chinese celebrations to commemorate the Macau SAR handover. 首屆香港至海南帆船賽於1997年舉行,今年已是第11屆賽事,它是全球唯一一個以中國為終點的一級離岸帆船賽,效促進了中國與香港特別行政區之間的帆船運動發展。第一屆賽事於1997年12月27日舉行,同時成為香港回歸中國的其中一個慶祝活動;同樣地,此項比賽在1999年以澳門特別行政區作為起點,作為紀念澳門回歸中國的一個慶祝活動。

The Race has been held biennially since 2012 and the current race record of 23h 31m 52s was set in 2016 by Seng Huang Lee’s 100ft Super Maxi, Scallywag. With the event being open to both monohulls and multihull, the 2018 race record will be closely watched. The race record has been broken in the last three editions, including in 2014 by Karl Kwok’s Team Beau Geste and in 2012 by Sam Chan’s FreeFire. 比賽自2012年起改為每兩年舉行一次,目前紀錄保持者為李成煌的100尺的超級帆船Scallywag號,她於2016年以23小時31分52秒完成比賽。單體船及多體船均可報名參加,就讓我們拭目以待2018 年的賽果。在過去三屆賽事中,比賽紀錄也曾被打破,包括:2014年郭志樑的BeauGeste號及2012年陳永燊的FreeFire號。

The start line will be in front of Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club’s Kellett Island Clubhouse with the start signal sounding at 1120hrs. 比賽起點定於香港遊艇會吉列島會所對出海面,起航訊號將於早上11時20分發出。

The race is organised by Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club in cooperation with the Bureau of Culture, Broadcast & TV, Publication and Sports of the Sanya Municipal Government, with the finish hosted by Serenity Marina in Sanya, Hainan. 比賽由香港遊艇會主辦,並聯同三亞市政府文化廣電出版體育局聯合舉辦,終點由三亞半山半島帆船港主辦。

Notice of Race and Online Entry Details 網上報名資訊及賽事公告詳情,請瀏覽以下網址

Hong Kong to Hainan Race - Overall and Line Honour Winners

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