St. James’s Place中國海岸遠途賽10月16日展開
香港遊艇會主辦的首屆「St. James’s Place中國海岸遠途賽」今日在石澳對開海面開賽,香港受到季候風影響吹起16至20海浬東風,海面有3米高湧浪,但無阻三艘參賽船隻「Ambush號」、「Jinn 號」以及「Whiskey Jack號」在上午11時順利起航。...
Inaugural St. James’s Place China Coastal Race
It was a beautiful day at Shek O Rock with blue skies and an easterly breeze of 16 to 20kts for the start of inaugural St. James’s Place...
St. James’s Place中國海岸帆船賽- 圓滿結束
香港遊艇會主辦的「St. James’s Place中國海岸帆船賽2020」來到最後一日,天色依然晴朗,海面起初吹起8至10海浬東北風,34艘帆船全部亮相角逐殊榮。 IRC 競賽組各組別進行約10至16.5海浬的島嶼賽,IRC...
St. James’s Place China Coast Regatta 2020 – Day 3 Race Report
A superb day of excellent conditions; 8 to 10kts of northeasterly breeze, sunshine and blue skies set the stage for the final races of...
St. James’s Place中國海岸帆船賽- 次日賽事報告
香港遊艇會今天舉行「St. James’s Place中國海岸帆船賽2020」次日賽事,34艘賽船於南丫島東南面海域參賽,各IRC 競賽級別帆船首場先進行三圈順風逆風繞泡賽,不過賽事進行途中風力減弱至只有5海浬,不少帆船在微風下努力完成賽事。...
St. James’s Place China Coast Regatta 2020 – Day 2 Race Report
Another great start to Day 2 of the St. James’s Place China Coast Regatta. 34 boats came out for racing; all IRC racer classes were set...